On day 5, ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ becomes the top grosser with its box office collection. The film has raked in Rs 151.05 cr which is a lot higher than what PK, Chennai Express and Happy New Year collected on Day 5.
While Aamir’s PK had collected a total of Rs 135.79 cr, SRK’s ‘Chennai Express’ and ‘Happy New Year’ collected Rs 117.8 cr and Rs 136,.87 cr respectively on Day 5.
However, Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Happy New Year’ got the biggest opening on Day 1 as it collected Rs 44.97 crore.
All the films have been holiday releases with Eid, Diwali and Christmas falling in between apart from Chennai Express, which was released on a regular day.
Here are the films’ first day and day 5 collections:
Bajrangi Bhaijaan (July 17, 2015)
Day 1: 27.25
Day 5 total: 151.05 cr
Happy New Year (October 24, 2014)
Day 1: 44.97 crore
Day 5 total: 136.87 cr
PK (December 19, 2014)
Day 1: 26.63
Day 5 total: 135.79
Chennai Express (August 9, 2013)
Day 1: 33.12
Day 5 Total: 117.8